These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on CucumberRoll Forum. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.
Community Rules
- Your Account: We allow ONE account per user. For moderation purposes, your username must be the same on our site & forums. We require all of our users to verify that they are over the age of 16 in real life by entering their birthdate upon registration. Users found to be under the age requirement and/or falsifying this information will receive a ban until they (or their account) reaches the appropriate age. If you accidentally submitted the wrong information at time of registration, please contact an admin immediately to assist you. #
- Account Liability: You should not share your account or allow access to anyone, friends or strangers, to your account- the account will be held liable regardless of who had access to it. "I didn't know better" is not valid grounds for reversing action taken on an account, it is a user's responsibility to be aware of the community rules while present on our website as well as to take it upon themselves protect their account from hijacking or actions that could reflect poorly on their account. For more information, you can view this article. #
- Disturbing the Peace: Behaviour determined to disrupt/disturb the peace of others is not allowed. Trolling, spamming, begging, harassment, & threats all fall under this category. #
- Hate Speech: Hateful, targeted, impersonation, or slanderous language, as well as any indication of affiliation or symbols associated with hate groups are strictly prohibited. Since our staff cannot know someones identity with certainty, inappropriate derogatory language such as slurs directed towards someones race, sexuality, or other status are never allowed, even as a joke. Please refrain from making these types of comments altogether. #
- Mature Content: While we do not filter all mature language & discussion, any adult content intended for an audience of 18+, or extended/explicit discussion of sexual content or illicit substances, will be removed. Adult images & off-site links to such content will result in a permanent ban placed on the account posting them. We do allow top nudity only in artwork, granted it is non-sexual in nature, however all bottom nudity- or indication towards sexual arousal that could make viewers uncomfortable- is strictly prohibited. #
- Graphic Content: Graphic & upsetting content is strictly prohibited, this can range from "creepy" content like jumpscares or horror-fiction presented as reality intended to disturb the viewer, or more upsetting/graphic "shock" content which could be potentially traumatic. Attempting to shock other users in such a manner can result in a permanent ban. #
- Copyright Infringement: Infringing on the intellectual property of others, such as with art theft, tracing, ripping, direct copying, etc. is strictly prohibited. Users found engaging in this behaviour will be subject to moderation. Please note however that we cannot strictly police "design theft" and will only be able to intervene in situations where copyright infringement is blatant and/or would hold legal water. #
- Advertising & Sale: We do not allow sales involving real-world or off-site currency (crypto-currency included) to be hosted on our platform. However, if you are an independent creator (such as an artist, writer, editor, etc.) you are free to promote your work as long as you do not host your sales on our service, with the only exception being if you are offering your work in exchange for on-site currency only. #
- Fraudulent Activity: Fraudulent activity will be monitored and we advise our users to exercise caution with such activity as we cannot reimburse users who fall victim to off-site scams. If you are submitting a report of fraudulent activity, you must provide all of the necessary information- therefore we highly recommend our users document any transactions associated with our service in case something should happen. #
- Impersonating Staff: Posing as a staff member (a staff member will never ask for your personal information), speaking on behalf of staff members in a way that claims authority; (e.g. "You're going to get banned for this!!!") or creating false reports intended to stir up controversy and waste staff members time and are inconducive to problem-solving. Violators may end up on the receiving end of a ban themselves. #
- Unethical Behaviour: Any attempts to cheat, scam, hack, DDOS, doxxing- whether it be our site, service, or its users- or otherwise attempt to game the system will be met with a swift permanent ban. #
- Illegal Activity: Users found participating of engaging in illegal or dangerous behaviours will be permanently banned and reported to the appropriate authorities when necessary. If required (by US law), we will cooperate with law enforcement by means of submitting information stored in our database. Therefore, it is your responsibility to keep your information private. #
How to Report
First and foremost, reports should only be used for serious matters, such as rule-breaking activity or other harmful behaviour. We cannot sort out all the issues which will arise between our users, and for the most part self-management will be a requirement of our users.
Before contacting us, please be sure you have read our Rules and FAQs to make sure any questions or concerns haven't already been covered. If you are submitting a bug, please check our Support subforum as well.
When filing a report please try so save as much evidence as is needed to give our staff the information hey need to deal with the issue. For example, chatlogs or screenshots that can be used to determine harmful behaviour taking place. # - On the forums, you can find the report button on an individual thread or post. This will bring up a form which will let you submit your information for us to manage manually. Alternatively, you can check our team page to get in direct contact with the appropriate person for your questions, feedback, or concerns. #
- You are welcome to privately message a member of our staff at any time with questions or concerns. Although official reports should be handled through the proper channels, you can contact a member of our staff if you need help with something and they will be happy to assist you. #
- If you are unable to get ahold of anyone right away, you can use our Support Ticket system. Our problem tickets are all processed by our staff so you always have a direct line to them. Please remember to submit records, such as chat logs or screenshots, of the incident. #
First and foremost, reports should only be used for serious matters, such as rule-breaking activity or other harmful behaviour. We cannot sort out all the issues which will arise between our users, and for the most part self-management will be a requirement of our users.
Process & Appeals
- All users are subject to our warning & ban ladder system, which applies to both their forum & sitely account simultaneously. This is an incremental system meant to penalize based on the severity of the action. #
- When a user breaks a rule, they usually receive a warning. Warnings will stack against an account and if the behaviour continues or worsens, a ban may be placed on the account. These records can be cleared after a 3-month period if a user maintains good behaviour. #
- Users who are not indefinitely banned may submit an appeal at any time, however these appeals are only considered if their ban duration is over 3-months OR if the case appears to have been mishandled by our staff at the time. #
- When a users ban is lifted after it was determined to be justified, their account is considered "on-watch." During this time period, if a user continues to break rules, they will be banned incrementally. #
- If a user's behaviour is bad enough, moderators may forego a warning entirely and a ban will be placed on the offenders account immediately. If a user should attempt to evade ban, or if their behaviour does not improve on their return, they will receive a gradually longer ban equal to the offense. #
- If a user shows no sign of improvement, or if the offense was too severe, they will be subject to an indefinite, or "permanent," ban. The only way to lift an indefinite ban is through our appeal process- however if your case is too severe, it will not be considered. #
Who to Ask for Help
- If you have a detailed question you would like to clear up, feedback you wish to submit, or if you are new here and would simply like to be shown around please contact a Guide. They are not official staff, but instead members of the community who volunteered to help other users. #
- If you have a detailed question you would like to clear up, feedback you wish to submit, or if you're searching for something you can't find, please contact an Archivist. Their duty is to organize records, sort information, field user feedback, and generally keep everything neatly in place. #
- If you are having an issue with another user or think you have found a user who is breaking rules, please contact a Peacekeeper. They are the ones who handle reports and affairs between users, and are equipped to resolve conflicts or other issues which may occur on the site. #
- If you are having an issue with a member of our staff or have found a problem with the site's functionality, please contact an Overseer. Their duty is to lead the site direction and ensure everything is running smoothly. #